Česká a Slovenská etologická společnost/spoločnosť

Czech and Slovak ethological society

Poslání společnosti


Společnost poskytuje fórum pro výměnu vědeckých poznatků a názorů všem svým členům z různých oblastí vědy, zabývajících se chováním živočichů. Pohledy z odlišných zorných úhlů totiž mohou obohatit pochopení zákonitostí. Cílem společnosti je také prohlubovat znalosti o chování v oblasti základní i aplikované etologie, podporovat výzkum a jiné zpusoby obohacování věd o chování a problémech chování zvířat hospodářských, zájmových a volně žijících, a podporovat vzájemné sdílení a propagaci poznatků.


Číslo účtu pro CZK: 2300962948/2010; pro EUR:
IBAN: CZ4720100000002500962950, SWIFT: FIOB CZ PP XXX

Kontaktný e-mail: casetolspol@gmail.com

Aktuální informace:

School of Psychology PhD Studentship available for September 2014

Project title: The nature and function of human nonverbal vocalisations: acoustical, psychological and evolutionary perspectives. Supervisor: Dr David Reby (School of Psychology, University of Sussex) For more information, please go to http://www.sussex.ac.uk/study/money/scholarships/opportunities/view/302.

Přidáno 5. 1. 2014

Graduate study in Behavioural Ecology (animal & human studies)

Graduate Student (MSc/PhD) and Postdoctoral Opportunities in Animal and Human Behavioural Ecology in the Lingle Lab in the Department of Biology at the University of Winnipeg

In our lab (www.linglelab.org), we use interactions between predator and prey to gain insight into population ecology, social behaviour and, increasingly, mechanisms underlying social vocal communication and species interactions. For the latter topic, we conduct fieldwork with mammals – especially deer – and lab studies with humans to investigate acoustic and (in the upcoming future) neurochemical mechanisms involved in infant cries and caregiver responses across species and the relationship of infant cries to vocal communication taking place in different contexts. Field studies probe adaptive explanations as well as mechanisms to understand the behaviour and communication of animals in their natural habitats.
Opportunities for research on other topics related to predator-prey interactions and aspects of species relationships still exist.

Ideally I would find one graduate student to do a field study (most projects are planned with deer and coyotes at our main field site on the grasslands of southern Alberta; one planned for work with subspecies of deer on the west coast) and another student to work with humans. I am receptive to having a student with a background in animal behaviour work with humans or vice versa. A project will be selected or planned that is appropriate to the interests and background of the strongest candidates.
There are research opportunities for Postdoctoral Fellows, but these will depend on funding you bring or that I may obtain. If interested, please contact me to discuss this.

Potential MSc students should have an Honours degree or equivalent, a strong academic record, and evidence of being able to work independently and being highly motivated and enthusiastic to pursue research in this field. PhD candidates must have a MSc or be willing to pursue the MSc degree first. Fully-funded MSc positions are potentially available to international students and Canadians through Graduate Teaching Assistantships and other scholarships. PhD students would be enrolled at a different university where I supervise them as an Adjunct. Candidates having external funding such as NSERC PGS are preferred.

*Why Winnipeg? *Despite its reputation for a wintry clime, Winnipeg is considered by many residents to be “Canada’s best-kept secret”. This mid-sized city is livable and culturally diverse in terms of its people and amenities (outstanding music – both contemporary and classical, other arts, food and myriad winter and summer festivals). Opportunities for enjoying the natural landscape abound with lakes and forests nearby, prairie grasslands to the west and tundra to the north. The University of Winnipeg is a small, rapidly growing university in the heart of downtown and the Department of Biology is situated in the brand new science facility, Richardson College for the Environment.

Interested persons are encouraged to contact Susan Lingle:
to express interest or for more information. Please include a brief description of your research interests and relevant background, reasons for pursuing graduate study, an unofficial transcript and a CV. I will review material as it arrives and may contact you for an interview. Please contact me before January 2014 and note that official applications for Graduate Studies in Bioscience at the University, are due of 1 February 2014 for entrance in September 2014.

Přidáno 26. 11. 2013

Pozvánka na ECBB 2014 v Praze

Organizační výbor ECBB2014 srdečně zve badatele zabývající se chováním zvířat, lidí a případně i rostlin na 7. ročník evropské konference behaviorální biologie, kterou ČSEtS spolupořádá v červenci 2014 na ČZU v Praze Suchdole. Právě byla vyhlášena soutěž o pořádání symposií (termín odeslání anotace je 31. 12. 2013). Podrobnosti a novinky najdete na stránkách http://ecbb2014.agrobiology.eu/

Plenární přednášky:

Prof. Christine J. Nicol (School of Veterinary Science, University of Bristol, UK): The foundations of empathy - how chickens react to conspecific distress

Prof. Alexander Roulin (Department of Ecology & Evolution, University of Lausanne, CH): Interactions between young siblings: from rivalry to negotiation up to cooperation

Prof. Tecumseh Fitch (Department of Cognitive Biology, University of Vienna, AT): Evolution of honest signalling

Prof. Hynek Burda (Department of General Zoology, University Duisburg-Essen, DE a Katedra myslivosti a lesnické zoologie, FLD ČZU v Praze, CZ): Improbable research in behavioural biology: Research that first makes people laugh, and then makes them think

Přidáno 25. 11. 2013

Francesca Gherardi Memorial Prize 2014

Awarded annually by the Department of Biology, University of Florence

The Francesca Gherardi Memorial Prize of 5,000 Euro is awarded annually by the Department of Biology, University of Florence, Italy (http://www.bio.unifi.it/art-129-francesca-gherardi-prize-2014.html).
The prize will be donated by the Gherardi family in memory of Prof. Francesca Gherardi, who made remarkable contributions to the fields of Crustacean Behaviour and Invasion Biology. The prize recognizes and commemorates the fine example that Prof. Francesca Gherardi’s own life set for young scientists.
Applications for the 2014 prize for outstanding research in the field of Crustacean Behaviour are open to researchers under 40, of all nationalities, lacking permanent positions.
The closing date for submissions is 15 January 2014.
Submissions in electronic format only are to be sent to:
Prof. Felicita Scapini
Department of Biology
University of Florence,
Via Romana 17, 50125
Please refer to the Application Guidelines for details.

Application Guidelines

  •     Applications are made online and supporting documents are sent to Prof. Scapini.
  •     The application [in English] should include a CV, three articles published in peer-reviewed journals, and a letter attesting that the applicant holds no permanent research or teaching position.
  •     The selected researcher (prize winner) will receive the award at the Department of Biology, University of Florence on occasion of a memorial event in honor of Francesca Gherardi in spring 2014. The awarded researcher will present his/her research on that occasion.
  •     The Award Committee is headed by Prof. Felicita Scapini, assisted by prof. Bella Galil and Prof. Marco Vannini and the zoologists of the Department of Biology University of Florence.

Přidáno 25. 11. 2013

Program 40. konferencie ČSEtS, 13. až 16. 11 2013, Košice, Slovensko

Vážení a milí kolegovia, program 40. konfrencie CSETS bol zverejný.

Přidáno 5. 11. 2013

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