Česká a Slovenská etologická společnost/spoločnosť

Czech and Slovak ethological society

Mission statement


The society provides a forum for an exchange of scientific knowledge and views to all its members from various branches of science involved in the study of behaviour. Views from different professional backgrounds can enrich our understanding. The aim of the society is to advance behavioural science in basic and applied ethology, encourage research and other contributions to knowledge relating to behaviour but also to behavioural problems in the farm, companion and free-living animals, and to promote communication of this knowledge.


Bank account for CZK: 2300962948/2010; pro EUR:
IBAN: CZ4720100000002500962950, SWIFT: FIOB CZ PP XXX

Contact e-mail: casetolspol@gmail.com


Best student talks and posters

Dear colleagues,

Let us reminde you the best student talks and posters presented on the 51st CSEtS conference in České Budějovice.

Best talks:

  • Ladislava Krausová: Anthropulse in the sub-urban forest – Wild boar display worse sleep and increased energy expenditure; 1st place from the expert jury, 2nd place by the conference attendees
  • Guillaume Dillenseger: The geography of aggression: nest defence evolve differently with latitudinal gradient between hemispheres; 1st place by the conference attendees
  • Johanka Bláhová: Dokáže kulík písečný (Charadrius hiaticula) rozpoznat predátory?; 2nd place from the expert jury
  • Tereza Gömöryová: Behaviorálne dôsledky prenatálneho vystavenia svetelnej kontaminácii; 3rd place from the expert jury
  • Adéla Polónyiová: Inovace v překrývání pachu: Překoná čichové schopnosti služebních psů?; 3rd place by the conference attendees


Best posters:

  • Linda Víšková: Prostorové učení u gekončíků nočních (Eublepharis macularius); 1st place by the conference attendees, 2nd place from the expert jury
  • Tereza Kubíková: Seen or heard? Comparison of two methods for monitoring the annual return of the Tawny Pipit males; 1st place from the expert jury
  • Jules Bernet: Unravelling social learning in the wild boar: The impact of social and individual factors on behavior transmission; shared 2nd place by the conference attendees
  • Vojtěch Kasič: Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on the mountain chamois and red deer in the Lusatian Mountains; shared 2nd place by the conference attendees
  • Lucia Kotianová: Vplyv problémov s odlúčením na správanie psov v prítomnosti neznámej osoby; 3rd place from the expert jury


Congratulations to all!

Added 2024-11-26

Abstract book of the 51st CSEtS Conference

Dear colleagues,

Under this link, you will find the complete program and abstract book of the 51st CSEtS Conference.

See you in a few days in České Budějovice!

Added 2024-11-19

Deadline extention

Registration for the 51st CSEtS conference has been extended, the abstract call deadline is now October 13, 2024. However, please note that the deadline for student travel grant applicantion remains unchanged.

You can look forward to excellent plenary talks:

  • Pavel Duda: Evolution and ecology of marriage norms, costly rituals and sexual taboos
  • Christoph Grüter: Diverse communication strategies in bees as adaptations to an unpredictable world
  • Lucia Kršková: Každý z nás je jedinečný: úloha prenatálnych adaptácií v procese formovania personality
  • Jan Zrzavý: Biologie vraždění


For more information on the conference, click here.

Enter the registration.

Added 2024-10-04

Register for 51st CSEtS conference!

Registration for the 51st CSEtS conference is now open! The abstract call deadline is October 6, 2024.

For more information, including infomation on student grants, click here.

Enter the registration.


Added 2024-09-05

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