Best student talks and posters
Dear colleagues,
Let us reminde you the best student talks and posters presented on the 51st CSEtS conference in České Budějovice.
Best talks:
- Ladislava Krausová: Anthropulse in the sub-urban forest – Wild boar display worse sleep and increased energy expenditure; 1st place from the expert jury, 2nd place by the conference attendees
- Guillaume Dillenseger: The geography of aggression: nest defence evolve differently with latitudinal gradient between hemispheres; 1st place by the conference attendees
- Johanka Bláhová: Dokáže kulík písečný (Charadrius hiaticula) rozpoznat predátory?; 2nd place from the expert jury
- Tereza Gömöryová: Behaviorálne dôsledky prenatálneho vystavenia svetelnej kontaminácii; 3rd place from the expert jury
- Adéla Polónyiová: Inovace v překrývání pachu: Překoná čichové schopnosti služebních psů?; 3rd place by the conference attendees
Best posters:
- Linda Víšková: Prostorové učení u gekončíků nočních (Eublepharis macularius); 1st place by the conference attendees, 2nd place from the expert jury
- Tereza Kubíková: Seen or heard? Comparison of two methods for monitoring the annual return of the Tawny Pipit males; 1st place from the expert jury
- Jules Bernet: Unravelling social learning in the wild boar: The impact of social and individual factors on behavior transmission; shared 2nd place by the conference attendees
- Vojtěch Kasič: Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on the mountain chamois and red deer in the Lusatian Mountains; shared 2nd place by the conference attendees
- Lucia Kotianová: Vplyv problémov s odlúčením na správanie psov v prítomnosti neznámej osoby; 3rd place from the expert jury
Congratulations to all!
Added 2024-11-26