Česká a Slovenská etologická společnost/spoločnosť

Czech and Slovak ethological society

Mission statement


The society provides a forum for an exchange of scientific knowledge and views to all its members from various branches of science involved in the study of behaviour. Views from different professional backgrounds can enrich our understanding. The aim of the society is to advance behavioural science in basic and applied ethology, encourage research and other contributions to knowledge relating to behaviour but also to behavioural problems in the farm, companion and free-living animals, and to promote communication of this knowledge.


Bank account for CZK: 2300962948/2010; pro EUR:
IBAN: CZ4720100000002500962950, SWIFT: FIOB CZ PP XXX

Contact e-mail: casetolspol@gmail.com


Abstract book for 49th conference

The complete abstract book for the 49th CSEtS conference is now available here.

Added 2022-11-02

Program of 48th CSEtS conference

The 49th CSEtS conference starts soon, its complete program can be found here.


For more information about the conference's location, click here.

Added 2022-10-19

Last chance to register

Dear members and conference participants,


Last chance to register for 49th conference is on 19th October 2022.


See you soon in person

Conference organization committee

Added 2022-10-18

Deadline extention for abstract submission at 49th ČSEtS conference

The deadline for registration at the 49th ČSEtS conference is extended until Sunday 25th September (until 23:59). After this deadline, it will be possible to register only as a passive participant. The invitation for the conference can be found here.

Added 2022-09-19

Register for 49th CSEtS conference!

Dear colleagues,

Do not forget to registrater for 49th CSEtS conference - the deadline is 19th September 2022. Among others, you can look forward to three excellent plenary talks:

  • Dr. Vedrana Šlipogor: „Unique, just like everyone else? Integrative approach to personality and learning in common marmosets Callithrix jacchus."
  • Prof. Michal Zeman: „Keď sa pokazia biologické hodiny: dôsledky na fyziológiu a správanie."
  • Dr. Tereza Nekovářová: „Jak mozek tvoří čas: Teorie relativity z pohledu neurověd."


The invitation for the conference can be found here.

Added 2022-08-05

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Webmaster: Silvie "Akela Taka" Rádlová | Kamil Vlček | design © Silvie "Akela Taka" Rádlová