Česká a Slovenská etologická společnost/spoločnosť

Czech and Slovak ethological society

Mission statement


The society provides a forum for an exchange of scientific knowledge and views to all its members from various branches of science involved in the study of behaviour. Views from different professional backgrounds can enrich our understanding. The aim of the society is to advance behavioural science in basic and applied ethology, encourage research and other contributions to knowledge relating to behaviour but also to behavioural problems in the farm, companion and free-living animals, and to promote communication of this knowledge.


Bank account for CZK: 2300962948/2010; pro EUR:
IBAN: CZ4720100000002500962950, SWIFT: FIOB CZ PP XXX

Contact e-mail: casetolspol@gmail.com


51st ČSEtS conference in České Budějovice

Dear colleagues 

the 51st ČSEtS conference will take place in České Budějovice. Mark in your calenders the fourth November weekend: 22nd - 24th November 2024. Detailed information and registration will be available soon. The invitation can be found here.

Sincerely yours

ČSEtS board

Added 2024-05-24

Photos from the conference in Tatranská Lomnica

Dear friends,


at this link you will find photos from this year's conference in Tatranská Lomnica, prepared for you by Boris Bilčík.


Thank you very much, Boris!

Added 2023-11-29

Best student talks and posters

We would like to introduce best student talks and posters from 50th CSEtS conference in Tatranská Lomnica.


Best talks:

  • Ladislava Krausová: Ťuhýk obecný vs. kukačka obecná: Variabilita snůšek a schopnost rozpoznávání vajec - 1. místo poroty, 2. místo účastníků konference
  • Eva Bílková: Mezidruhové páření u vážek, rarita nebo běžný jev? - 2. místo poroty, 1. místo účastníků konference
  • Jakub Fořt: Personality Differences among Men and Women of Different Sexual Orientations - 3. místo poroty
  • Veronika Simanová: Does temporary crating affect maternal behaviour of sows? - 3. místo účastníků konference


Best posters:

  • Ondřej Fišer: Beware of My Face: The Role of Facial Configuration in Predator Recognition - 1. místo poroty a 1. místo účastníků konference
  • Tereza Gömöryová: Úloha svetelnej kontaminácie v procese vzniku porúch autistického spektra – pilotná štúdia - 2. místo poroty
  • Alena Fišerová: Trouble with strangers: interspecific aggression of great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major) - 2. místo účastníků konferenceDominic Dudek: Laterality in naked mole rats (Heterocephalus glaber) - 3. místo poroty
  • Miroslav Baňas: Rozdiely v behaviorálnej reakcii kliešťov vystavených rádiofrekvenčnému elektromagnetickému žiareniu - 3. místo účastníků konference


Congratulations to all!

Added 2023-11-06

Abstract book for 50th conference

The complete abstract book for the 50th CSEtS conference is now available here.

Added 2023-10-22

50th CSEtS Conference Program

Dear colleagus,


the 50th CSEtS conference program is now available here.

Additionally, you can check the list of lectures and the list of posters.


See you soon in Tatranská Lomnica!

Added 2023-10-19

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2025 © ČSEtS
Webmaster: Silvie "Akela Taka" Rádlová | Kamil Vlček | design © Silvie "Akela Taka" Rádlová