Tí spomedzi Vás, ktorí pracujú v oblasti aplikovanej etológie, si určite žahko vybavia usmievavú tvár dánskeho etológa Klausa Vestergaarda. iaž, tento priatežský a pre vedu zapálený človek, podžahol rakovine v novembri minulého roku. Pripájame pár riadkov od jeho spolupracovníka H.B. Simonsena, prevzatých z ASAB Newsletter 38:
"...Klaus was a real scientist with a great interest and knowledge not only concerning his own subject ethology but also in biology in general. The science of ethology, as well as the biological basis of animal welfare, has suffered a very big loss by the far too early death of Klaus Vestergaard.
Most of Klaus' scientific work was related to feather pecking and dust bathing in the fowl and in 1994 he defended his thesis on this subject. His theory on the motivational and developmental aspects of feather pecking is known world wide. Until his death, he was convinced that feather pecking is very closed linked to dust bathing behaviour due to a mis-imprinting on feathers in the very young chicken. Many of us believe that Klaus' theory will in future have a great impact on the solution of the biggest problem in modern egg production.
Although chicken behaviour was Klaus' favourite subject, he also did a vast amount of scientific work on pig behaviour and welfare. His collaboration with Alex Stolba, David Wood-Gush and Per Jensen from Switzerland, Scotland and Sweden respectively has been of great importance for our knowledge of the ethogram of the domestic pig and for work on the establishment of alternative housing systems within commercial pig production..."